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Davidson News

California’s Budget Crisis: A Doctor’s Dilemma and the Fight for Fair Pay

California’s Budget Woes: A Tax Hike and Doctors’ Pay Raises

Doctors Take Matters into Their Own Hands: A Ballot Measure

According to Independent, California‘s Governor, Gavin Newsom, wants to increase a special tax to help fix the state’s budget problem. This tax was supposed to help pay doctors more for taking care of people who have Medicaid, which is a government health insurance program for people who don’t have enough money. But many doctors have not gotten their promised pay raises yet.

Doctors are upset because they feel like the state is not keeping its promises. To make sure they get their pay raises, some doctors have asked to put a question on the ballot that will make the state pay them more for taking care of Medicaid patients. If the people vote yes, the state will have to pay doctors more.

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California’s Budget Crisis: A Doctor’s Dilemma and the Fight for Fair Pay (PHOTO: GOOGLE)

The Power of Direct Democracy: A Tool for Change or Chaos?

This is just one example of how people can use special votes to make the state do what they want. Some people think this is a good way to make sure the state keeps its promises. Others think it’s a bad idea because it makes it hard for the state to make big decisions about how to spend its money.

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