The history of coyotes in New York is a puzzle wrapped in an enigma. These elusive creatures have a knack for appearing in the most unexpected places, leaving residents and experts alike intrigued. While the timeline of their arrival remains a subject of debate, one thing is for sure – coyotes have firmly established their presence in the Empire State.

Urban Coyotes – A Familiar Face on Long Island
Recently, a cat rescue organization on Long Island sent out an urgent alert: “Coyote alert! THREE Eastern Coyotes at 3:00 a.m. DO NOT leave cats out at night, or preferably at all! Watch your dogs at all times!” This may come as a shock to many, but coyotes have been coexisting with Long Island residents for years. These urban intruders are not limited to Long Island but occasionally venture into New York City and its surroundings.
The Urban Call of the Wild Coyotes’ Adaptability to Human Environments
Coyotes, typically associated with remote forests, have displayed a remarkable ability to adapt to suburban and even urban settings. According to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC), coyotes are occasionally spotted in parts of New York City and Long Island. Surprisingly, human development offers surprisingly suitable habitat for these canny canines. The primary factor leading coyotes out of their natural habitats is the accessibility of human food. Much like the black bears in New York and New Jersey, who have become increasingly brazen in populated regions, coyotes seize opportunities when they arise.
Coyote Populations in the Empire State
Coyote populations thrive across New York state, with the NYS DEC permitting an open season for their harvest. Those seeking to deter coyotes from their property should be vigilant about not leaving trash or food outside and should keep their pets indoors, especially during the night, when coyotes are most active.

The enigmatic history of coyotes in New York continues to baffle scientists, but one thing is clear – they are here to stay. These resilient creatures have adapted to the urban landscape, proving that nature often finds a way to thrive in unexpected places. As residents learn to coexist with their wild neighbors, the story of coyotes in New York is a testament to the adaptability of wildlife in the face of human encroachment.